.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">I hope by now that Cowboy's noisy tummy is better. Merlin gets this problem sometimes. Very noisy gurgles. He is quite uncomfortable. I give him a child's dose of Pepto-Bismol. I keep several small jars of baby food meat on hand for this. The Pepto gets mixed in with the baby food, and Merlin will almost always eat it. Another choice is GasX. If Cowboy will not eat the altered baby food, you can stuff a GasX pill down his throat. That helps, too. Merlin uses more Pepto than we Uprights do! Old doggies have tender tummies just like old men. And women!<br><br>Linda and Merlin (pink ears! yeah!)<br></div><br /><hr />Now you can invite friends from Facebook and other groups to join you on Windows Live™ Messenger. <a href='https://www.invite2messenger.net/im/?source=TXT_EML_WLH_AddNow_Now' target='_new'>Add them now!</a></body>