<div> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hi, Mike - and welcome to the wild and wonderful world of Bassets owners. Well, actually Basset slaves, LOL, as you'll find that they actually own <b>us</b>. Yes, there are Basset "hairnets" called Snoods which keep ears out of food. Several rescues sell them so go to the main Drool page and scroll through the rescue sites and I'm sure you will find what you are looking for and help homeless hounds at the same time.<br>
If your hound smells to "houndy" they probably are on the wrong food. Good quality food is a bit more expensive but is worth it in the long run. These foods have meat as the first ingredients. Never buy food which lists meat by-products as it is essentially waste such as chicken feet, etc. There are many<br>
companies who make excellent products: Merrick, Wellness, Solid Gold, Eagle Pack, and Canidae to name a few, and will be found in pet stores, not grocery stores. Feed a quality food and your hound will have less allergies, a better, shinier and less houndy-smelling coat and will be healthier in the long run.<br>
Hope this helps. <br>
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