<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' background='none' style='font-family:arial;font-size:10pt;color:#000000;background-color:#ffffff;width:100%;'><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><P>Hi,</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Oh boy, I was being such a bad mom!</P>
<P>I took my son and Pepe for a walk around our compund and then right next to our building I decided that I wanted to buy some fruit, so I pushed the stroller with my son in it, and called Pepe to follow (he did, for 3 seconds) and went into a store. I spent around 5 min in the store and after getting out of there I couldn't see Pepe...</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Ok, without panicking I ask our guard (there is one at each building and at the gates) if he saw where Pepe went to. He said "Oh, yeah. He went into the lobby and then up the elevator...". WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? Up the levator???? There are 31 floors!!!!!</P>
<P>Ok, I got a little upset with myself, but decided to organize the search quickly.</P>
<P>Went into the elevator and pressed 31. And then methodically was checking each floor. </P>
<P>I got downstairs and there was no Pepe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</P>
<P>So the door opens and a maintanance worker looks at me, and says "are you looking for a dog? He is on the 8th floor"...</P>
<P>I go back there and had to call Pepe 3 times before I heard his little nails against the floor :-)</P>
<P>He was happy to see me, but in a what-took-you-so-long kind of way :-))</P>
<P>I was really happy to see him....It was just a matter of time, but still my heart was disturbed...</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Now, I got a question to you all connected with his nose...</P>
<P>2 days ago I noticed that his right nostil started getting pink on the edge...there was no injury or anything but I could see a single drop of blood on it...it disappeared quickly but then today I noticed something dry around the nostril...I have no idea what or why it is like that...He just licks his right nostril very often, but other than that he is being him happy self. Eating normally, sleeping normally, playing normally, pooping normally...</P>
<P>Has it ever happened to any of your babies?</P>
<P>Please let me know if you have any suggestions...</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Drool to Wyatt and Steve to keep them strong through the hard and painful time</P>
<P>and a lot of comforting drool to the parents of Roscoe..we are truely sorry for your loss...</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Anna, Pepe and Lulu ATB</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P></td></tr></table><br>Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com