HEWW AWL!!!! Tis me, Dixie, de fabulous, great, stupendous, on...(Dixie? Do you really think that YOU are THAT great?) OH YES...YES I AM!!!!! Anyhoo.....befour I were so rudely interrupted....(with a nasty look thrown at me!) NOW LOOK!!!! YOU MADE ME FERGIT WAT I WERE SAYING!!!!! Dern Mom! Whale I neber! (Yes you have!) No....I habn't eether! Rats! (Hi Roland, Speedy, Santana, Janice, Nancy, Anitra, E....) MOMMA! PLEEZE STOP!!!! YOU'RE EMBARASSING ME!!!!! (hmmmmp) (I'll just shut up then. You don't have to tell me twice to shut up! Why...I just shut up!! Nary another word will you hear from me! I don't just go on & on & on & on & on! I SHUT UP!!!! WHY, you'll forget that I'm even here cause I'm ssssoooo quiet! I shut up....but good! One time, I shut up.....& nearly starved to death....I wouldn't open
my mouth to eat!!!!) Yeah, like dat's funnee, Mom. Oh de humiliation uv it awl. I'm sorree folkes. You shuld twy libing wid her! No rilly, YOU twy libing wid her. I'll gladly ship her to ya.....if you promise to kepe her & knot send her back. Eeny takers? Oh tough-banana-peelings!!!! No one? Rats! I'm stuck wid de weerdo, huh? Now I'm depwessed. I'm gonna go hab myseff a gud cry. Tawk to y'all lader. Bye! But, knot ferever!!! Hi Roland!!! Hi Speedy!!! Tawk to y'all lader. <BR><BR>Dixie The Magnificent(ly Insane) Doer uv Dastardly Deeds OEBE<p>