<div>Lots of drool to Wendy on the loss of Elsa. She sounds like quite a sweetheart and we're sure she is watching over you since her eyes are healthy now. </div>
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<div>Happy Birthday to Amanda, Becky, Willow and Bubbles. Hope you all had a great day full of fun and laughter...and treats of course.</div>
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<div>Glad to hear Drew, Pam and the gang are ok after that awful storm, sounds pretty scary. And to Brudder Elwood, we're glad you're ok too, even though we know a big bad brudder elwood like yourself coulda handled the dog on your own. ;-)</div>
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<div>We are delighted to see Homer on today's calendar page. He was so handsome, please do tell about him eating the ring, we always love hearing his stories. </div>
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<div>And lasltly we are on edge lately as Rupert has been relatively well behaved for several days now. We just know he is waiting to pounce...I really gotta buy the crate. So far he has only chewed a shoe and a roll of paper towels this week. Cowboy is an excellent tattle-tale. He comes and gets us everytime Ru is misbehaving, its so funny. </div>
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<div>Bellyrubs and Drool to all, </div>
<div>Kacy, Cowboy & Rupert</div>