<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><br>Hi everyone,<br> <br>It's me, the Calendar Nazi again with another reminder. <br><br>All picture/captions are due in to Cecil Graphics by June 27<span> 2008</span>. Now today is June 25th so you gotta hurry. Here is the link to submit your photo/cations http://www.cecilgraphics.com/tristatebassetID3/captioninfo.html<br><br>Also don't forget to purchase your raffle tickets for the Front Cover. Yes that is right!! For a mere $2 ticket which you can purchase here http://www.cecilgraphics.com/tristatebassetID3/frontcoverraffle.html your adorable houndie can be on the front cover of the DD2009 Calendar. How cool is that!! The winning ticket will be drawn sduring TSBHR's September picnic. <br><br>Any questions,comments,concerns please email me off list oh and please get thise
picture/captions in.<br><br>Take care,<br>Ellie and her Hounds Artie, Ballzie and Hush Puppy Super Model GM Thelma Lu<br></td></tr></table><br>