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I've lost the link to that inspired video of a hound balancing a treat on his nose to 'impress the girls on the drool'.<br><br>Does anyone still have it? <br><br>I can't get food anywhere near a 30 sec fly-zone of my hounds-noses without them attempting to devour it.<br><br>I salute the lady that trained the fella.<br><br>Alfie's back into the vets again today: sore between his paw pads this time. Thought it might have been a bit of infested grass seed but after a course of antibiotics and antiinflammatories, it doesn't look like it. Looks very raw one side.<br><br>We met my brother and his two Boxers at his local park yesterday and Millie absolutely adored it. She's quite the brazened flirt. Quiet as a mouse at home but she was quite the little madam at the park - barking the orders and chasing the boys. My brother said he she reminded him of someone. What on earth could he mean?<br><br>Hilary, Enci, Alfie and Millie<br><br><br><br /><hr />Miss your Messenger buddies when on-the-go? <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/msnnkmgl0010000001ukm/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get Messenger on your Mobile!</a></body>