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<DIV>Dis b da Belle pawin at ya in da middle ub da night. Dis day b wreally long cuz da Mum b gone a long time. Zoee Belle twy ta b gud whilst she waits on da swabe buts some tyme it be juss to hard. Zoee Belle decided to eat a snack while dez swabes b late and shows dem we in charge. Wells da Mum woves her cook books and I figured I betta twy dem since dey hab all da boutiful foodz in dem. well I b here to tells ya dem books dey not tasse wike da foodz. dey yuckkky buts dey gwreat fun to tarree all ta pieces. I was into my sebenth books when da Mum cums home. She not a happy camprr, she be screammin and skerrrt da Zoee Belle ta defff, I finks da menzies in da whiteie coats need ta cums ta gets her cuz she b outta troll. Mum sez dere b not nuffin fur da Zoee Belle ta eats fur her whole wiffe. dat b a wong times and I finks we finallly loose da extra fluffies if dat happens. Den it happin, Da Pappy sez, cums here Zoee Belle and sees yo pappy. I goes sit in da Pappy's wlap so da Mum won't kilt me. He tell da Mum, kool it and dat sets da Mum off agains. She sez in a wouud voice, da Pappy won't eber gets nuffin ta eatie in his whole wifee eber. We wreally in da dawg house now. Pappy sez he take da zoee Belle fur a wride whilst da Mum kuuul off. We went wridin and da pappy stopps at da burrrrrrgruuurrr king and buied we a big ham bugggers! Brudder Elwood, I woves dat new foodz yo told me bout buts I gotta tells ya brudder, Zoee Belle dun fount her new foodz, yummmmmmmy dem buggger fings d skrum da lee ish us! We's not gonna tell da Mum we juss gonna wook all pittttifulll wike so she finks we be sufferin an starbin ta deaf. Heee Heee me finks I may eat sum more ubb dem cook bookies gin tamarrow. speacheally iffen da Zoee Belle gets a wride in da car and da burrrrgruuur kings gin. We keeps ya posted</DIV>
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<DIV>Zoee Belle ub da Souf - I bweave we super size tamarrrows</DIV>