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<DIV>I'm with Sandi on this one. When we got T-Bone from his breeder at 14 weeks, we were told about playing with his feet. So, to this day, that big ole moose who has humongous nails, is like a babe in arms when I clip his nails. Rosebud doesn't like it, but she tolerates it. Scarlett offers paw like she's having a manicure, and Tar Baby, well, he's a wild man anyway, but he doesn't fight me when I clip his nails. He's the hardest one though, because all of his nails are black. He's also small enough for me to hold him in my lap, so I can get better access. My kids and I played with ALL our puppies' footsies from the time they were old enough to handle, and their slaves continued the process. We are told that none of our extended brood complain about nail clipping. </DIV>
<DIV>Basset foot massage is such a little thing to add to your ear-and-bellyrub sessions with your pupsters, and it has long-lasting positive effects when it comes to the dreaded nail clipping.</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Ahrooooooos y'all,</DIV>
<DIV>Sarah and the Mobile gang,</DIV>
<DIV>Rosebud, T-Bone, Scarlett, and Tar Baby the wild man wannabe</DIV>