<div><br>If you can't see the pictures in this email, click here to see it in a web browser:<br><a href="http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=jhefbe6.67i6njma&x=0&y=-1wrcd0&localeid=en_US">http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=jhefbe6.67i6njma&x=0&y=-1wrcd0&localeid=en_US</a> </div>
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<div>There is a link to some of the pics from the Arkansas 11. I only met 8 of them, but didn't manage to get all of their pictures. Rylee is spending the night with us until her foster Moms can get her tomorrow. I don't believe Rylee has ever had a dog bed because she just lays her head on it or tries to chew it. Oliver is trying to get her to play right now, but I am not sure she knows how. She has not played with any toys yet here. There is no toy aggression here or food aggression so we don't put up the toys unless it becomes an issue. Today, I had the honor of meeting Dufus, Rufus, Carol Ann (formerly Mystery), Rylee (formerly Daffie), Molly (formerly Cleo), Sadie, Lucy, and Sweetie. Five of them road about an hour and a half with us on the final leg of the trip. Oliver was howling when Rufus's family showed up and Mazzie started howling so Rylee was cocking her head to the side. Rufus strolled right in and "christened" the corner of the couch, after making formal introductions outside. The mini Ollie tried to show the bassets whose boss and they didn't care. Tomorrow at 1 pm, the press is showing up to take a picture at the grooming shop of one of our foster Mom's. The Arkansas 11 are all in homes tonight where they can be pampered and loved. We should have taken bets on how many "foster failures" there will be out of 10. One was a direct adoption. All 11 were vetted, vaccinated, heartworm tested and altered before making the trip. What is sad is that one of the one year olds looks like she might have already had a litter. No more litters for any of them though. Follow their progress on <a href="http://www.nybasset.org/">www.nybasset.org</a> </div>
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<div>Thanks everyone,<br>Dee, Maggie, Mazzie and Oliver</div>