<div>We are sending drool to Tessie in hopes that she doesn't have a tumor and to Hayden that his surgery goes well and his recovery is quick and painless. </div>
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<div>To the person who said "I am not her slave, she is a dog and I <br>love her, take good care of her but she is still a DOG! Out if you cant <br>behave, In when you can. maybe some of you can simplify your problems by <br>
remembering these are dogs, not children." </div>
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<div>To some of us these are our children and to me are better than real kids, then again I still consider myself to be a kid (24)...but regardless, I enjoy being their "slave" and putting up with their crazy antics. Mine often go outside when they get too wild but I dont always want to burden the neighbors with their noise so I end up bringing them back in. Feel blessed that you have whats sounds like a very well behaved basset; the more you add to the pack the more likely you'll get a "wild child" but it also keeps life fun. We've just added our 2nd and I can't wait for the day when we have room for a 3rd. If they just lied around all day "behaving" I dont think I'd laugh nearly half as much as I do. </div>
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<div>Have fun with your little girl and just laugh (with a sigh of relief) at the rest of our wild child stories. ;)</div>
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<div>Kacy, slave to Cowboy & Rupert</div>