<div>So I'm coming to the experts to see if I'm overanalyzing or if I have reason to be concerned. </div>
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<div>As most of you know Cowboy was our 1st basset. He'll be 2 in August. He was an only dog until James' brother moved in with his cocker spaniel Duke (age 4). They got along good but didnt play as much as Cowboy would have liked. Duke moved out last month and we adopted a stray basset, Rupert. Estimated to be around 2, very rambunctious, very playful, total attention hog but also a major lover.</div>
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<div>Lately I've felt like Cowboy is a little depressed. It could be a lot of things. We moved in January. Duke and his dad moved in. I got a new job/new schedule. Duke and his dad moved out. Rupert moved in. LOTS OF CHANGE in only 6 months.</div>
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<div>Rupert and Cowboy play a lot buts its kind of rough alligator mouth play, chomping on each others ears and jowls, pummelling one another to the ground, chasing, etc. Rupert initiates it a lot but even when we try to seperate them to give Cowboy space he (Cow) comes running back and gets Rupert so it makes me think Cowboy likes the play even if we think its getting rough. 90% of the time though Cowboy ends up getting pinned and squeals causing us to call Rupert off. </div>
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<div>Cowboy also seems to be sleeping a lot more than usual and not really as playful with me as he used to be. The problem I think is associated with Rupert. When Ru is sleeping sometimes, Cow will try to play with us but of course Ru jumps from his sound slumber and wants to play too. He ends up pushing Cowboy out of the way and totally dominating playtime. </div>
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<div>Would it be bad to crate Ru sometimes to give Cowboy special playtime? I feel bad doing this because Rupert really isn't being bad he's just a hog. Is it mean to take Cowboy out on a walk or adventure and not take Ru? I dont' want to favor one over the other but I feel like Cowboy is getting shafted on his attention because Ru hogs us. Then again I could be overanalyzing and Cow is just calming down...but I dont think so because he's not even two yet. </div>
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<div>Thoughts? Advice? Please. Thanks.</div>