Hi Pam,<br><br>I agree with the advice everyone else has given. Tell your mom now, not later, that you've thought a lot about it and have decided that Mitzi should have his or her own resting spot in the yard when the time comes. Don't offer to help right off the bat; it'll sound like pleading and weakness on your part. Offer to help if and when your mom protests. Stand firm and let her know Popeye's spot is very personal and dear to you and you refuse to violate that. Leave it at that, and just let her know this is your decision and you're sticking to it. Don't let her bully or guilt trip you. Giving in to her demands won't make either of you feel any more loved by the other and since this is clearly an important issue to you, you must stand up for your wishes.<br>
<br>Good luck!<br><br>-Rebecca