.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'>Although I am sure Reggie is quite proud of finally catching a rabbit, we at the Rendina / Earle house are very sad. We like all little furry critters, even the mice that invaded our attic and garage this past winter. But we especially like seeing the furry little bunnies in our yard. But this baby mistakenly got into our fence and couldn't find his way out. But we didn't realize it until after Reggie ran outside this past Friday morning. I really thought he missed the bunny, but my dog walker just called and told us that we wouldn't leave the back of the yard. When she got close she found a furry body. He wasn't touching it but was guarding it. I don't know how she finally got him into the house and in his crate. But she did. When she left he said he was barking furiously in his crate. He so wants to be outside guarding his catch.<BR>
I don't know for sure if it is a rabbit, it could be a squirrel. But given that squirrels can run up the trees, I am assuming it's a rabbit. I have the ugly task of cleaning it up tonight when I get home. I will email again when I know what is out there.<BR>
Oh god!<BR>
Lisa Rendina, slave to Reggie Bones, the fastest black lab in the East<BR>
Reggie says (Mine mine mine. Leave it alone, it's mine!!!!)<BR></body>