<div>A word about corncobs which I suspect everyone on the Drool knows:</div>
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<div>I don't care if your dog has eaten 35 corncobs happily and with no problem and thinks they are the world's most wonderful treat. I have watched 5 dogs die in my yrs at the Vetspital because they ate corncobs which got lodged in the intestine. Two of the dogs were Bassets, one was a repeat offender. Surgery was too late to save any of them.</div>
<div>Once in the intestine, they swell, they do not digest. Period. If your dog is really lucky, they pass. If he isn't.....you are looking at the very least a major Vet bill and a very sick dog.</div>
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<div>Corncobs in my house go from heat to mouth to garbage outside in the can. They make no stops on the counter, in the sink, in the indoor garbage. I do not expect my family to adhere to this so I personally escort every corncob to the garbagecan.</div>
<div>I have seen what they do.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Mitchell, Zelda, Nigel, Llewis and Cooper</div>