<div>Staph lives on the skin of the dogs and on people too. It is everywhere. What happens is that when, for whatever reason, the immune system is down and/or there is a scratch or cut or other opening, the Staph grabs the chance. At eleven I would expect that the dog's immune system might be stressed due to the infected teeth, or lousy teeth, and the time in rescue, and all the things happening, not to mention normal age, & the Staph got in there and got a good hold.</div>
<div>I would also think, knowing now what it is, that the appropriate anti-biotics and some TLC will get rid of the infection without a problem. I am guessing, am not a Vet, but this seems logical to me.</div>
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<div>Drool to your eleven yr old pup</div>
<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell, Zelda and Cooper</div>