<div>Cowboy hasn't gone flat on me since he was a puppy but he does use major stall tactics when he knows we're almost home. He has also taught Rupert to do the same. So usually when we are on a walk and about 100 feet from home they both start inching along at the pace of a snail. They sniff every single blade of grass and stand in place for indefinite amounts of time. If I'm feeling nice I'll keep walking in a direction opposite of the house and suddenly they have plenty of energy to continue the walk. If I dont have time or am not feeling as nice, I tug them along and they very very reluctantly follow me home. Then they go flat when we get home and look at me sadly as if they never even got the walk in the first place. Poor deprived houndies....yeah, right!</div>
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<div>Kacy with Ru and cow</div>