<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><DIV>Almost a year ago, some neighbors up the hill about 2 miles found an ailing, weak girl basset by the side of the road. They took her in for an exam and shots, and then decided that wife was not willing to have an inside dog. Oregon Basset Hound Rescue was called, and I began my acquaintance with the still pretty Bullet. Bullet was sick with congestive heart failure, ear infections and skin infections. She was treated to a teth cleaning and some extractions and put on medicaton for her heart. Pending the location of a proper foster home, she stayed with the orignal foster family in an outside kennel with dog house, coming in to eat and to take meds. They were very attached to her. They live on acreage with deer and beautiful trees and a view of the Willamette River which runs into the great Columbia. </DIV>
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<DIV>I visited Bullet many times. In March, I thought I had a permanent home for her, but it didn't work out. Bullet came to be our fourth dog. She went with us to the beach when we went, and enjoyed sleeping on one of the couches and giving our shar pei Deohgee a rough time. (he is blind and kept running into her). She went on our walks, and lined up for daily meds and twice-daily means. She got us up in the night when she had to potty;. Sometimes she got my husband up so he could pet her.</DIV>
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<DIV>Today her journey with us here on earth ended, as she her breathing became difficult. I took her to the vet's where she quietly passed. I carried her little body back to the beautiful hills of Eola, where she will be buried in the woods on the acreage she enjoyed for many months.</DIV>
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<DIV>We won't forget her.</DIV>
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<DIV>Deohgee (maybe I can rest now)</DIV>
<DIV>Stella B Low</DIV></td></tr></table><br>