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I fear I've completed spoiled Alfie rotten. He certainly has the wrong idea about who is in charge!<BR>
To cut a long story short we tried to usher him out of the kitchen earlier and he growled at us. We ignored him, grabbed the back of his hardness to move him along and his growled some more and nipped my arm. We herded him out eventually but we were quite shocked. Never seen him that grumpy. Enci thinks he needs to have 'the chop'. He keeps Millie in order with the odd growl and play-bite. Suppose he thinks he can do the same with us.<BR>
I reckon things have just got out of hand and we need to reassert our ranking in the pecking order. Any tips? I'm not sure how to handle it when he growls at us, for example when we trim his nails. Isn't it best to carry on?<BR>
Any advice gratefull received.<BR>
Hilary, Alfie (I'm in charge) and Millie (no, I'm definately in charge but am sly about it).<BR>
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