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I often have Ms.Brandy's daughter Chillie and her adopted from ABC brother Elvis ( who is one day younger than her) here for<BR>
vacations. This morning Elvis couldn't walk- he sort of dragged himself for a few feet but his legs just didn't have the strength <BR>
to hold him up. He did have reflexes when I pushed his pads so I am sure it's his back. He had trouble once before. I called<BR>
my mom who came right away (60 miles trip) to pick him up and took him to the vets. He is on IV steroids for the next 24-48 <BR>
hours- the vet is hopeful because he was brought in right away that the steroids will help and he will be able to come home <BR>
then to rest and heal. I hope to bring him back here as Chillie is not exactly Nurse Nightingale...more like Nurse Ratchet... <BR>
He will need lots of rest to get better. If you could sling some healing drool his way we would appreciate it. He is almost 10 <BR>
years old and a sweetheart and this has me really shook up~ he is such a lovebug and I love him lots.<BR>
On a lighter noe- Chillie Pepper almost turned herself inside out when my mom came and within minutes left again-<BR>
WITHOUT her! Not knowing what was going to be happening we figured it was better she stay here until we can<BR>
'trade' the two off so Elvis can rest quietly.<BR>
droolies, Angelika and Ms.Brandy ( who really couldn't care less about Elvis but came and sniffed his face this morning) and<BR>
Chillie Pepper- who will forgive anything as long as there's a cookie to be had.<BR><br /><hr />Keep your kids safer online with Windows Live Family Safety. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/family_safety/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_family_safety_072008' target='_new'>Help protect your kids.</a></body>