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The pain is so intense. Merlin is everywhere in this house. But not. How can that be? How can my beautiful baby be gone? My God, I hated to leave him there. I layed down next to him, and just stroked the soft fur on his belly. So soft. Absorbed the tears so well. <br><br>I was taking down his extensive wardrobe for laundering. How many dogs have so many harnesses and collars and leashes? And his winter coat. I was tossing his stuffed toys in the washer. But kept back the basset one. Tri-color, just like Merlin. It smelled of Merlin, who always grabbed a stuffed toy to bring to us when he wanted to go outside. He preferred the really soft, squishy, ones. The green frog head, the yellow duck, the basset. <br><br>Merlin was special. He was a social butterfly. He was my almost constant companion. He was part of me. He is gone. Merlin was dehydrated, and the vet had a really tough time getting a vein in those gnarly legs. It was brutal. But, at the end, it was very peaceful. Gentle. <br><br>It has been raining this afternoon. Thunderstorms. Small hail. Suits my mood perfectly. <br><br>Merlin is gone. I cry and cry. My eyes hurt.<br><br>Many of you have been at this spot. You understand. I hurt so badly.<br><br>Linda and no Merlin<br><br /><hr />Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_messenger2_072008' target='_new'>IM anytime you're online.</a></body>