<div>Hello Fellow Droolers-----Last night we had a bad thunderstorm and Yankee was totally freaked out, pacing, panting looking for a place to hide, but not yet hiding.</div>
<div>Finally it was time for bed. He still was panting and drooling. So I made him lay down & covered his body with a pillow & his head also, with his nose exposed of course, I had to to throw my leg & arms around him & after awhile, he calmed down. My husband told me that I was making the dog worse by trying to comfort him</div>
<div>(I really tried not to make a big deal about it), but it breaks my heart to see him like that. Anyway, rescue remedy doesn't seem to work too good.Does anyone have any other suggestions????</div>
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<div>Drool to all in need----let's give the Bridge a break for awhile, okay???</div>
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<div>bassetmomx2, Augie & Yankee (please not thunderstorms tonight!!!!!)</div>