<p>I've got a couple of things you might try for the fear of storms.
I've never had a hound afraid of much of anything, but both these thngs
really helped a friend's german wirehair. First, there is now a DAP
collar. It looks like a flea collar but it has that pheramone scent
that the DAP machines do that are supposed to be calming to dogs.
They are pricey and need to be replaced once a month,though. the
other is to put a very tight t-shirt on the fearful houndie, preferably
before the storm starts. You can buy some kind of bindings that do
the same thing, but a t-shirt is cheaper. It works on the same
principle as swaddling babies and does seem to have a calming
effect. <br /><br />crazy basset lady</p>
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