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<DIV>Dis brudder Elwood. I not be a heppy brudder dis nite. It be dem woomanz. I
treyin to git sister Daisy to call Nigel, and she seeyz no dat box aint dere
yet, dem burfdey boyz still be like youze, wif da air headbones, it be a few
more deyz den we call. Brudder Elwood he jus steamin. It still be a rainz and da
brudder he seyz he goin out dere in da rainz. Dat tailpipe be a twitchin, he
gots to go. So brudder Elwood he still be in a snort wif sister Daisy, but he go
out dere in da rainz and teke da biggie grunt. Well I be clearz out dere in da
Brudder dump zone, and why it just rainz ebbin worser on da brudder.
I comez runnin realz fast to da brudder door--on da wey to da house fings go
realz bad. Brudder Elwood he git da footie in a mountain of da rain soaked Elder
Clara pile. It gitz in me toes, it squishy all ober me paw, and da smell of dis
jus awfulz. An now brudder Elwood smell like Elder Clara tailpipe.I seys to
meself-howz can dis dey git worse???</DIV>
<DIV>Den it heppin.</DIV>
<DIV>I runz rite in da doggie door. Dere she be. Elder Clara. I gotz to fink
realz fast. I jump ober ol lead bottomz and ob course she stand up while da
brudder in da air. Dis not go wellz dis time. I fallz ober Elder Clara. We all
knowz whut heppin now--she a goin affer da brudder, a snappin an a barkin like
she be all tuffz stuffz, and I lookie-why dis be like a pot ob de gold at da end
ob da rainbowz. Dere bee biggie clump ob da poop off me footie rite dere on
da Elder Clara back. </DIV>
<DIV>Brudder Elwood bee a finkin it likez peeplez say-sum fingz jus
deserbin---and Elder Clara she deserbin da clump-o-poop. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>We still a sendin da drool as fast as we can--it be time to git
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=0 face=Arial size=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" PTSIZE="10">Debbie
Winchester<BR>Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to<BR>Bob, Casey, Elder
Clara, Daisy, and<BR>Brudder Elwood OEBE <BR>Instigator of Evil Deeds
<BR>Virginia Beach Basset Hounds<BR></FONT></DIV></FONT><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Get fantasy football with free live scoring. <A title="http://www.fanhouse.com/fantasyaffair?ncid=aolspr00050000000020" href="http://www.fanhouse.com/fantasyaffair?ncid=aolspr00050000000020" target="_blank">Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today</A>.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>