<div> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Shannon- If your hounds are poop eaters, and they lick you, especially your hands, you <b>absolutely</b> could be getting your e-coli from them. It can be carried by well animals or on the skin of humans who have had contact with it. It does need an access avenue and your warm, moist catheter site is just the ticket. I would keep the catheter site dressed with multiple layers of sterile gauze and invest in some really good tape/cast wrap to secure it, (it's often brightly colored) use a hand sanitzer and disinfecting wipes after contact with the hounds. My guess is you are more likely to contract any bacterial/viral illness secondary to the meds you are probably taking for your brain tumor. Things like Prednisone or others in that family do a number toward lowering one's risk of getting infected.<br>
Sorry you are dealing with this yet again. Hugs and healing drool.<br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to The Boys and The Belles - Dozer, Dudley, Daisy and Delilah<br>
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