<div> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Elwood, my bud. Dis be the Dudster - at least I think that's my name since lately Mamaslave been callin' me "come bak here you little sh&$. I cant hep it - I am jest like you, Brudder. I am BORED an' it isn't eben rainin' here. Bupsters need to pley all da time, wite? An' we like to extplor. So da udder mornin' I was just a sniffen' da cup what had Mama's drink in it and waz a sittin' on da teble nex to da bed when all ob a sudden it falled on da floor. I cannot hep dat I it was o'crack ob dawn wen dis happen. I canno tell time. Well, her waked up really fast an' saw me wif sumpin' on da floor and you wud fink dat I was a chewin' on her brandy-new glasses or sumpin but I was NOT. I was just a lickin' out dat cup whut fell ober. Da big pwobwen wut occurred was when she tried to teke dat cup away afore I was dun wif it. Sumpin' came ober me and before I knew wut I was a doin' I gave her a little "don' touch MY cup" nibble on her wrist. DO NOT, I wepeet, DO NOT EBBER DO DIS UNNER ANY CIRcusmtancez, EBBER! She whapped da Brudder Dudley on he rumpbone wif a maguzeen. I was shokked I tell you! The rumpbone! Just like your Mom did - I think they bof went to da skool of rumpbone whakkin'. And before I new it, I was in lockdown, jest like da Brudder Elwood. <br>
Do you fink we hab a caase? Hound abuse, I say...Delilah, hep me fine dat number for Nigel and Llewis and Mr. Cooper, sir<br>
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