<div dir="ltr">mommy sed she is ketchup on da drool, she hasn't had time to read dem since school is coming up quick! Tomorrow she will be with 140 freshman at 7am! <br><br>Howebber Zelda, momperson and da gang are in our thoughts and prayers.<br>
<br>Drool to all in need!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Anitra <br>Momma To <br>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568</a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/santanadog">http://www.myspace.com/santanadog</a><br><br>"Happiness is a warm puppy"-Rerun Van Pelt (Charlie Brown Character)<br>