<div dir="ltr"><div>By the time you all are reading this I will be gone. I am so tired and it is really time for me to leave, and today is the day. I want you all to know what a wonderful time I have had here, albeit a short time. I have been well loved and have loved in return. I have been to waddles, and bashes. I have been to dog shows and won. I have been to dog shows and lost (bad Judging.) </div>
<div>I have met a lot of wonderful people and have lived with a bunch of really nice, if kind of brainless dogs (hey they're guys.) I taught them right away who was boss and that has never changed.</div>
<div>I have raised 5 wonderful children, two of whom I leave with Mom and Dad, hoping the truck with brains arrives sometimes in their lifetime. I know the Boyz will be as loved and cherished as was I.</div>
<div>I have made friends from all over the place, as well as England and Australia and Africa and even China!! How is this possible for one little Basset girl to have so many wonderful friends.</div>
<div>And best of all, I know that you will all take care of MomPerson and DadPerson as well! </div>
<div> </div>
<div>So here we go! On a brand new Adventure. First Class Zelda Ypsilandra, 11 points, 5 children, a terrific DadDog (Mitchell) and how proud I am of Nigel for his TD title, and of Llewis for overcoming his handicaps! And a wonderful guardian in Ch.Midnight Acres High Noon--Cooper, proud and black and ever patient with me even in my worst moments.</div>
<div>And MomandDadPerson, who must not cry, and must not regret anything for one moment, who have always tried to do the right thing, and generally succeeded.</div>
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<div>Hey Droolers, give them some needed Drool and don't let them grieve too long---- there are others still here whose lives have not been nearly as much fun or happy as mine. They need to stop crying and help them!!</div>
<div>Take care of each other, as you always have.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Love and snooters to all Droolers and their babies everywhere,</div>
<div> </div>
<div>First Class Zelda Ypsilandra (Zelda Szaton.)</div>
<div>And thank you for everything, for all the love, and all the help you gave MomPerson, and all the love you give to Houndies everywhere.</div>
<div>Drool Rools.</div>
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