<DIV>With the hot steamy weather lately, I wanted something cool for the houndies. I had a few bananas that were nice and squishy - happens fast in this weather. I smooshed those in a bowl with some chunky peanut butter, wheat germ, and oatmeal until kind of stiff, then rolled into little balls and froze them. They are a big hit! Thinking of trying another batch with blueberry/yogurt in place of the banana/peanut butter. </DIV>
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<DIV>It was fast and easy with no cooking, so for those looking for some cool treats, these are going over big.</DIV>
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<DIV>Drool and snooters to all!</DIV>
<DIV>Synthia, dessert chef to</DIV>
<DIV>Bud, Barney, Zuma, Doheny, Kahuna (can I have whipped cream on mine?)</DIV>
<DIV>Ace the Newf (I licked the bowl. It was in the kitchen sink just for me.)</DIV>
<DIV>Saintly Miss Maggie and Baja (they melt in your mouth)</DIV>
<DIV>Maya the Great Dane (yum! Maggie has peanut butter drool)</DIV></body></html>