<div dir="ltr"><div>I don't know why Bowser would be depressed. He does not know he will never see out of that eye. All he knows is that at the moment his sight is very different,and it may be a bit scary. Or, he may not feel terrific. Maybe he has a mild headache or perhaps his depth perception has changed and he is wary of moving in this changed world of his.</div>
<div>I don't think I would worry just yet. Encourage him to get up and move around. Keep him physically close to you, on a leash if necessary, until he becomes more confident. Keep his head close to your leg so he knows you are there (I know he can see you, but try it anyway.) Go slow. Give treats. Take him out and just sit in the grass with him. Let him learn that it is not so different and not so bad and that he can still get around.</div>
<div>If he continues to be lethargic I would definitely take his temp and/or call the Vet.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis,Mitchell, Cooper and ZATB</div></div>