<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">What a bitter sweet surprise it was to turn the page this morning and
see my Minnie and Scooby, both who are now ATB, along with Artie and
Thelma Lu. To be honest I totally forgot what day we had in the DD calendar. I usually try to reserve Jake's birthday for the calendar but Jake went to the Bridge in April 2007 so I must have decided to honor what would have been Minnie's 5th Gotch Day. <br><br>It was 5 years ago today that I failed fostering for the first time, yes I am a multi-foster-failure. We picked up Minnie at 9am and by 9:20am we had already decided to adopt her. Minnie was the sweetest girl I have ever met. All Minnie wanted was to lay on the couch and wait to be served breakfast and dinner, oh and please so not forget the treats. Minnie could not care less what other hound came home with us as long as she was fed on time.<br><br>Minnie left for the Bridge on March 31 2008. I sure hope they are serving tuna at the Big Buffet tonight for dinner.<br><br>Take care,<br>Ellie and her Hounds Artie, Ballzie, Thelma Lu with new foster
Priscillsa.<br>Always remembering BAD Betty, Priscilla, Jake, Martha, Scooby and Minnie now ATB<br></td></tr></table><br>