<div>1st and foremost: DROOL. To George and his mom Judy and to Fred and Annie for their teeth. Also to Humphrey for his coughcough and to everyone else in need. We have lots to spare, trust me. </div>
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<div>A big welcome to Jake, we cannot wait to read your stories with the Brudder. And Congrats to Eeyore for creeping your way into the slaves hearts convincing them you were already in your forever home. We hope you enjoy many years to come with your son and new family.</div>
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<div>Lastly, another happy gotcha day to Louie. Cowboy turned 2 yesterday (8/10). It was seriously like he knew it was his day. He woke me up earlier than usual by at least an hour...just wanted some company downstairs. Then we took him on a nature hike through a local canyon which he loved. Our walks usually consist of cement and sidewalks so being in the great outdoors was a big deal to Cowboy. I made some of the frozen banana treats for him but he decided not to like bananas on his birthday so Rupert ate most of them. Then to top it off they both got melted cream cheese mixed in with breakfast and dinner which was happily devoured. I can't believe my boy is 2! Check out some of my favorite photos from the past 2 years with my little CowMan. <a href="http://www.kacyg.blogspot.com">www.kacyg.blogspot.com</a></div>
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<div>Kacy with Cowboy & Rupert</div>