<div dir="ltr"><div>There are no words to express our deep appreciation for all the cards and kind thoughts sent to us after Zelda left us. We still miss her terribly, and the pack is definitely lacking a much need "feminine touch" without her.</div>
<div>Some of you went waaaaay beyond the usual. Some of you sent things without cards,so I cannot thank you properly, but you know who you are. The Zelda picture arrived today and I wept when I opened it.It is fabulous. It is so beautiful, and so sweet. It is already hanging in a place of honor on the dining room wall which is our "dog wall" but her picture is in the middle, in the best spot, because it is by far the kindest, most thoughtful picture of all. That's my girl, and I miss her so much.</div>
<div>All the cards are together on a Basset plate that Mitchell won at the Nationals, with a candle that we keep lit, just in case. </div>
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<div>Thank you again, all of you, so much. I cannot possibly thank everyone individually because I have to sleep sometime, but know that each and every card was read and loved and treasured and we will cherish your kindness forever.</div>
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<div>And the wall of dogs, with it's beautiful portrait of Zelda, will keep her close to our hearts each day.</div>
<div>Thank you, thank you, thank you.You are wonderful, fabulous people, you people of the Daily Drool!</div>
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<div>Love and Hugs to all, Drool to those in need</div>
<div>MomPerson and DadPerson-- Bev & John Szaton</div></div>