<div dir="ltr"><div>I had to take Henry to the vet this morning. He has had a bump on his earflap (inside) for the last three weeks. He was in the vet (three weeks ago) when we noticed it and she was hoping that the antibiotic she put him on for another problem would take care of it. The bump has gotten bigger so, off we went this morning. Thanks to Kacy and Rupert, when she said she thought it was a histiocytoma, I knew what she was talking about and didn't panic. Vetperson wanted to take an aspiration and send it out to the lab but, after 3 tries it wasn't going to happen. Henry, who is great at the vet, would yelp in pain and jerk so, all she was getting was blood. We are going to watch it for the next week or so and if it gets any bigger or nastier, I am to take him back. One thing that was strange is that Henry is almost two and up until 3 weeks ago had never had his anal glands expressed. I told the vet this morning that he was back to chewing around his tail again so, she had the techs express them again and they said that they were full - in only 3 weeks. I do give Henry pumpkin with his dinner every night so, I didn't think they would fill up so fast. </div>
<div>Henry is sending get well soon drool to Luke and all the sick furbuds. Special comforting drool to Fonda's family. We will light a candle tonight to help her on her journey.</div>
<div>Pam and Henry</div>
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