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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">The proud parents would like to announce the arrival of . . . . . . (Dewey, at the moment, subject to change.)<br>Dewey is a 6 month old male basset, cute as all blazes, VERY busy, black, brown and white with spots on his tummy.<br>He came to us from ABC Basset Hound Rescue. Today is his Gotcha Day.<br>He is all legs. They seem to be attached to his body with rubber bands. He is not the most coordinated dog I have seen, but that should improve as he grows into those legs.<br>He loves people and dogs. Our cat . . . . he is not too sure about that. And it is mutual.<br>He met Chance, the boxer two doors down, Merlin's best friend. Dewey was ready to rumble! So was Chance, but we allowed only a bit since he is so much bigger than Dewey.<br><br>http://s339.photobucket.com/albums/n475/dirtherm/Dewey/<br><br>There are only two pics right now. I hope this link is right.<br><br>Linda and Lynn, proud parents<br>Merlin atb<br></div><br /><hr />Talk to your Yahoo! Friends via Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/explore/messenger?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_messenger_yahoo_082008' target='_new'>Find Out How</a></body>