<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi! Dis is Hannah agin. Since me, my slave, and my Auntie Bonnie are new at dis calendar stuffs, we hab been habbin a little trouble wif picture sizes. While we gets it all straightened out, we are gonna extend the time for picture submission until August 25th.</div>
<div>Iffen you are gonna enter, dat gibs you a few extra days. When you submit pictures, dey need to bees the original file, not one dat has been cropped. Iffen you want the cropped one, you can take it to somepwace that puts dem on discs and have them scan them. Tell them you want 300dpi resolution. I have no idears what dat means but dey will knows. Dat way, your pictures on duh calendar will be beautimous!!! Dese are the same types of picture files that was needed for the Daily Drool Calendar.</div>
<div>Get to taken dem pictures of your sweepin houndies. I is gonna go practice my champion sweepin now!</div>
<div>Hannah B....... zzzzzzzzzzzz<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>With the support of my slave, Kathi and my fambily, Fogarty, Marla, O'Tay, Sam, Beauregard, Ned, and Hannah - Hershey and Klause the Wannabes - Nash the OBR Foster - and Forever Loved Einstein, Harriet, Honey, Miss Droopy, and Abbi (All waiting ATB)<br>