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Late in the day...but still today :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Drool Mom Nancy! Can't remember if it's today or tomorrow- but you deserve TWO great days!! We wish all the happiness in the world.<BR>
On sleeping with bassets...when we first brought home Ms.Brandy many years ago- John said she'd be an outside dawg- I put my foot down and said either it's a family member or we don't get her. ( point for me there). So we brought home this wee little pup- hardly more than a handful at the time. I was PREPARED... had a box with blankets and sheep fleece for her to snuggle into- the real stuff mind you! I'd also bought one of those old wind up clocks to put underneath everything- so that the ticking would sound like the heartbeats of her mom and littermates. We went to bed- put her in the box- she lasted about all of 2 minutes before John scooped her up and put her in bed with us. Boy it sure was nice once she was 'leakproof' and we wouldn't wake up to a big wet spot in bed! She continued sleeping in bed with us until about a year ago. It's been a few years since she could get up there on her own- but now she only wants to sleep in bed when I take a nap during the day.<BR>
Elvis- is a snugglebug and LOVES to sleep in bed- of course I can't have him do that now for fear he'd tumble off the bed. I actually considered buying some of those toddler bed railings...but thought John would certainly call the folks with the white jacket.... So we give him lots of time on the bed during the day and at night until I am ready to go to sleep -supervised of course. Then I put him in the xpen area he has in the living room- he can see our bed from there or like last night for the first time- in the crate in my bedroom. He usually settles right down- but sometimes I have to snuggle him until he falls asleep- sort of like having young children again!<BR>
ahhh is there anything better than a snoozing basset snuggled up to you???<BR>
droolies to all in need, Angelika and Ms.Brandy and Elvis too<BR><br /><hr />Talk to your Yahoo! Friends via Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/explore/messenger?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_messenger_yahoo_082008' target='_new'>Find Out How</a></body>