.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">For years, I have read of people having trouble with their bassets going "flat basset" on them during walks. I secretly snickered to myself that they must be doing SOMEthing wrong since I had never had this problem with either Turbo or Merlin. <br><br>I no longer snicker. Dewey has Flat Basset down! And he is only 6 months old! At least now, I can pick the little brat up and carry him for a house or two and bump start him. Not for long, though. When we stop and visit a dog, he just does not want to leave. When I try and get him moving, splat. Down he goes. When I try and get him back up, he rolls onto his back, belly up. <br><br>Y'all have my sympathy now! Several times tonight, I just parked my fanny down next to his, on someone's lawn, and we played for a bit until he felt like getting up and moving on again. <br><br>There is shredded newspaper all over the living room. And Dewey discovered toilet paper. Now I remember why we only hang it with the flap coming off the front, not the back. Turbo was a toilet paper killer. I have some holes in my clean undies and sox. Dewey "helped" us fold laundry today. The joys of a puppy!<br><br>How much do your 6 month old bassets weigh? Dewey is 33 pounds, and seems quite a bit smaller than either Turbo or Merlin were at that age. Or it may be old age taking it toll on my memory!<br><br>Linda and Destructo Dewey<br></div><br /><hr />Talk to your Yahoo! Friends via Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/explore/messenger?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_messenger_yahoo_082008' target='_new'>Find Out How</a></body>