<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Brudder Elwood? You blow me aweigh! (That's not easy to do with Dix. She weighs 157,796,546 pounds!!!!!) HAHA MOM....you be sssoooo funnee....oh wat's dis? I fergots to laff at dat funnee jokey Mom tole! Here's to you.....I sticky out tonguey to Mom. HMMMMMPPPP! As I were sayin befour I was ssssooooo rudely interupted....wat was I sayin? UUUUHHHH....howl embwassing. (Brudder Elwood?) OOOOHHHH.....OK...sumtimeys Mom does come in handy! WAT do dey meen by dat? Come in handy? Wat IS dat? Saying Mom comes in handy is akin to saying "Hey, look at dat bee dere. Aint dat one fine looking bee? Come heer bee....let's be fwiends."....you just NO dat dat is a bbbbaaaadddd idee. Kinda like "Come heer & make me swell up like a blimp!". (Dix is already a
blimp.....HAHAHA) I'm gibing Mom de ebil eye. Wat is an "ebil eye" eenyweigh? (Dix...hon...you're ramblin off at the mouth.) Wat does dat meen? Ramblin off at de mouff? Howl can you "ramble off at de mouff"? (Dixers.....easily distracted today....hehehehehe...she's ssssoooo easy! HA!) I'm holding my toesy up to my mouff & saying "SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!". I'm gonna run..Tawk to y'all lader. Oh Mom? Come ober heer. I wanna gib you sumting.
hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe Dixie The Magnificent(ly Insane) Doer uv Dastardly Deeds OEBE</td></tr></table><br>