<div dir="ltr"><div>MomPerson FINELY got her fluffy self in geer an took me trekkin! Real Trekkin. Trekkin where dere be biiiiig piles of strange poop not deer, not dog, not nuffin I never smelt afore she dont nose needer. She made mestop snuffin it an git a move on an I did. (MomPerson did not snuffle it.)</div>
<div>Oberhed there were a big hawk goin...well whutebber hawks say, Soun like rusty door ta me. An trees an grass and stuff.</div>
<div>An ManPeepel wif liddel big middle....whut? Oh..MODEL airplains. Soun like giant beez.</div>
<div>Enyways I foun some yummystuff ta rollanrollanroll in till MomPerson grabt me by dat harness an lift me up. Doggone, sometime she strong.</div>
<div>Enyways when I got dere she had awreddy put da trek in an it wented right from da start in anodder direction. Now dis a new one. Ususlly da track go strait off from da stick but dis time she try ta foolme an go siderways. Ha ha. Nice try.</div>
<div>Den she done sumfin else new. She not put goodies unner da artikles! So I gets to em no food blow on past. MomPerson now she mekeing me come beke to da articul an she gibs me da goodies. I didint do too good on dis part. She say we gotta pratice. I dunnt nose why-- no food why bother stoppin?</div>
<div>We wented thro short grass an long grass an stuff callt QueenieYannsLaces. Lotsa Dat. MomPerson sneezing an coughin all ober da place. Not a wild critter in two miles not know she comin.(Not to menshun da puffin an huffin)</div>
<div>Anyways she eben trek inta da DARK WOODS! We goes pass big old trees an dem dog-eeting wiley roses an ober limps on da groun and aroun bushes...it smells all differmint in dere in da dark woods but I NOSE DA NOSE NOSE and DA NOSE fine da lass glove whut dis one got treets!!!</div>
<div>Nigel done it again. Ha. Da harder she try an fool da nose, da bedder da nose like it!</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Love an Drool to all in need,</div>
<div>Soft snooters to Auntie Debbie and odders who might need a nice warm soft snooter too.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Nigel, of Nigel, You Lose It Da Nose Fine It. Speshual rates if you lost inna kitchen.</div></div>