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Ahhh, just been watching my two have a stand off over two peices of raw hide. [Bev, I promise that they ate their dinner last night and breakfast this morning with no trouble].<br><br>Tails wagged furiously as they eyed each other up, daring the other to be the first to pick it up (the concept of fair and equal distribution is completely lost on them). Then Millie did her body block trick: she gets between him and said chew, pressing her bum against his head and gently moving his choppers away from what she wants. Then she brings her head round to pick the chew that is positioned beneath under undercarriage. At this point Alfie can't see anything (bum in face) and Millie walks off with her prize. <br><br>He's fallen for this more times than I've had hot dinners (and that's a lot).<br><br>This time though, he's not having it and in a flurry of growls and tails, he grabs one of the chews and runs for it.<br><br>I love watching them interact with one another and wish I was fluent in Basset-language.<br><br>Hilary, Alfie and Millie (whom having consumed chew and suffering neglect from their mom are snoozing at oppossing ends of the basset sofa, chins resting on the arms). For a while at least we have peace in the house.<br><br><br /><hr />Win £3000 to spend on whatever you want at Uni! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/101719803/direct/01/' target='_new'>Click here to WIN!</a></body>