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<DIV>First, I would like to thank all of you who sent us condolences on Fonda's passing on 8/11. I would have thanked you personally sooner, but on 8/20, just 9 days after Fonda's death, our Buster joined Fonda at the bridge. Fonda and Buster were 2 older bassets that we took into our home as fosters, but as no one was interested in them, they became a permanent part of our family. They arrived together 2 years ago, and now they have left us together in the space of just over a week. They house seems very empty without them. Buster, especially, had a wonderful personality. He had a hard life, living in a car with his alcoholic owner and was finally given away through an ad in the nickel paper. If Alexa had not taken him into her rescue, he may have come to a very sad end. Buster had 2 crippled front legs, totally bowed, and we always marveled how well he was able to get around. Despite his handicap, he was the happiest dog I have ever met, literally dancing for his dinner, for treats, and for the walks he loved above else. Buster was a true gentleman basset. He never damaged anything in the house or yard, never got on the furniture, never stole any food, was totally housebroken, and got along with everyone. His joy was his soft mattress and any petting he could get. He was particularly attached to my husband and would brave the stairs every night (not so easy with his crippled legs) so that he could sleep next to my husband's side of the bed. We had been concerned about his health since we had to go find him in the yard several times where he had hidden in the bushes, but we thought it was his arthritic back and legs that were to blame. So on Friday, the 17th, we took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with cancer, he had large tumors in his abdomen and on his spleen. We took him home with strong pain medication, hoping to have at least a couple more weeks with him. It was not to be. On Sunday, his condition worsened, and even double doses of pain meds did not help him enough. So on Monday morning we called the vet and Buster went to the bridge at 11:25 AM. He did so gently, quietly, and with the dignity with which he had lived his life. A grand old gentleman is gone.</DIV>
<DIV>Loretta</DIV><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">It's only a deal if it's where <I>you</I> want to go. Find your travel deal <A title="http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047" href="http://information.travel.aol.com/deals?ncid=aoltrv00050000000047" target="_blank"><B>here</B></A>.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>