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Tuesday it will be 6 weeks since Elvis 'lost' the use of his back legs. He now has a cart and is literally walking in the paw-steps of the grand old man Rusty Paws...hope the longevity comes with the wheels! The first time I put him in the cart he was off and gone before I had the last buckle closed. I am still working on adjusting it so it fits him right- but he is just fine with it the way it is. I take him out with it 2 or 3 times a day until he tires. You wouldn't know there is anything wrong with him just by looking at him- he is back to being his old self. A very sweet- always happy- boy. He does have reflexes in his right leg now too- there were none the first few weeks. When he sleeps his legs kick quite a bit and they will "push back" if you push against the bottoms of them. His tail moves when he goes potty- quite helpful if you happen to see it let me tell you! I am seeing signs that I think are improvements- but sometimes so fleeting I am not sure I really saw what I saw. Still very hopeful that in time he will be able to stand and walk again. <BR>
Ms.Brandy yelled at him a couple of days ago- first time in all the weeks he's been here- I take it as a good sign. She used to yell at him for just being in the same room- he didn't have to even try to sniff her.<BR>
My apologies to anyone who may have sent a note that I didn't reply to. It is very time consuming taking care of him and the resulting laundry and moppings etc- but worth every minute when he looks at me full of love. He is such a sweet boy and we are grateful to all of you who have helped with drool and wishes!<BR>
Hope the next update gets better yet....<BR>
droolies, Angelika and Ms.Brandy<BR><br /><hr />See what people are saying about Windows Live. Check out featured posts. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/connect?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_connect2_082008' target='_new'>Check It Out!</a></body>