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<div style='padding:0 0 10px 0'><font face='font-family:segoe tv,Arial,Verdana'>WEEK #323<br><br>Dearest Fellow Houndies,<br> We BABES, as you are well aware, are prone to many hours of Prayer and devotion to our Fellow Houndies. With this in mind, for the next seven weeks, we will share with you all, questions We have expressed to the Allmighty, which, as of yet have not recieved an answer. You may have wondered the same things. The Title of said questions will be:<br> "TO GOD.....FROM DOGS"<br><br>Question # 1:<br><br> " DEAR GOD: Why do humans smell the flowers, but seldom if ever, smell one another??"<br><br>I Remain As Always,<br>L. L. <br>Lovely Lucy</font></div>