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Ella Louise here, <BR>
Brudder, wen I was in me second summer we had twee stormz in like 2 months. Da mamma she sat wit mez the whol timz and petted me and tawked to me. She tell me she hab wots of water and foodie for me. It get weelly hotz cause dat mocine not work in da howse for 2 weeks da firz time. And it get weeelllllly dark early. I culd not getz me wides in da golf cart which made me weeeeeeeeellllllyyy madz. But da weelly netz thingy was all da furniture in da house. couches and chairs ebery where. Da momma said I was a weelly bwave girl. i hopz you all be saf. I know you be da hero and takes cares of all da swabes and udder houndies in yous house, specially Elder Clara. <BR>
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