<div dir="ltr">Hey hey hey eberbud this are Humfree. I red bout Grampa Mitchell and he bad nebberminds and bad foodbinz and bluddy whutnawtz and worstest yet NEEDLES and well furst to be honest I went an hid in my krate. But then I finkz, well, I be big boy houndie now so I otter help out. So I do a big boy fing. I go in dat TB room where momma and papa be and I sey "Hey papa lookie over dere," and when he do, I steel himz lunch whut be CHIKKUNZ. And den when mama go "nonoHumfreenonono you spitz dat out nononobadhumfree" I seyz "too late mama I swallered it alreddy" an then I steel hers salud. And I get the BEST DROOL wiv CHIKKUNZ and LETTUZEZ and eben KOOKAWMBURZ all ober the floor. I are so selfliss. I do dis fur Grampa Mitchell whut got bad innardz rite now. I send he all this yummy CHICKUNZLETTUZESKOOKAWMBURZ drool direct to he not stop nowherez on the way not eben fur a milkieshakez. Tho I bet he wud like a milkieshakez to go wiv he drool. <br>
<br>Grampa Mitchell, you heelz up fast, you use this drool whut I send right, you feelz bettars in no times at alls. This are Humfree gare an tee.<br><br>- Rebecca & Humphrey<br></div>