<div dir="ltr"><div>Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahah! Dis are Nigel. Dat neme we calls da big blek hairy dog? SIR? Ha! We sittin aroun doin nuffing much.</div>
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<div>He ears go waaaayup, eyeballs big, he stans up an freezes big brave doggie.</div>
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<div>chrp chrp</div>
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<div>Eyeballs prakitally outta he headbone he hed for da bek door. MomPerson yell at DadPerson hey we gots a chrpr. He say where. She say how I nose dere be hundrets ob da d**n fings allober da house. (She still grumpy bout dat lass sock whut I blewed off on da trekkin dis mornin.) Now anodder go off. Well say DadPerson mebbe we got us a prollem.</div>
<div>By now Uncle Cooper Chikie (where he be, Llewis? He still ousside?) pounding at da bek door to go ousside.MomPerson meke we all go ousside while she an DP wanner aroun da hause lissnin for da odder chrper. Dey tekes all da alarums down won by won an chck da batries. Lass won got a funky batry. DP put all da alarums beke in place an MomPerson call we in.We all come runnin won two tree.....uh.....no UncleCoopernowhere.</div>
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<div>MomPerson go out wifa hanful ob biskies. Come on comeoncomein. Uh Uh. Uncle Cooper standin way away ears siderways (lissning for more chrprs) an he not comin close.</div>
<div>MomPerson sweetalk. Uh Uh. No chance Cooper, dat he new name. (You sure he still ousside? Llewis? Where you go? Llewis? You watchin for me Llewis? Humf well nebbermine him enyways). MomPerson finely git disgusted an tell him FRONT AN SIT and sure nuff he trot up dum bunny an sit rite in front ob she so she can git he collar holt and bringim in. Bwahhhahahahaha what a chikie! 'Fraid ob da white fings on da walls what go off for smoke an wadebber dat odder thing is Bwahhhhhhhwaitaminute.....Did Nigel say "he come IN"? Uh Oh.</div>
<div>Hey dere, Uncle Cooper....I no see youse dere in dat dark corner....heh heh.....Yessir Uncle Cooper Sir, Yessir i nose you name sir. Yessir I going sir I think I spen some qwalitty time cleanin my crate scuse me Uncle Cooper SIR YESSIR I GOIN SIR</div>
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<div>(nigel leebing.) good luck ever I GOIN I GOIN IGOIN</div>
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