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First off, we send our heart felt condolences to those who have lost a 4 or 2 legger. I am catching up on drools, and have cried and sniffled at all of those leaving for the bridge. <BR>
Second, Eddie looks like frankenpup. Poor thing. He is 11 years old, and had 6 tumors removed a week ago. He has 5 incisions all stitched up, and we are spraying each with antibacterial solution, and to top it off his back was giving him trouble again, so he went in for acupuncture, and pain meds. But, all in all he is in good spirits. The vet man says 2 of the six tumors were malignant, but that they got it all. *sigh* This is Eddie's second bout with cancerous tumors. The first being last a little over a year ago when he had anal sac cancer. Removing both glands was the only solution, and it worked. <BR>
Now, my soap box: While running copies in the teacher work room, the topic of conversation turned to dogs. We talked about our pets, and then one teacher asked another if she wanted to breed her dog with hers!!!!! They have toy chihuahuas. (or as i call them bug eyed rats) The one asked said, "no, mine is fixed, we got her from rescue." I looked at the other lady and said no, don't back yard breed. She said what is that? I said it is someone who breeds just to sell pups. She said, "that is all I wanted to do." I said that is how we end up with so many unwanted dogs. She said who would buy a dog and then not want it. I couldn't believe how naive she was. I asked her where she got her pup from, and she said a lady who breeds them, and she made her go through an interview process, and still checks up on the dogs, and wants them back if the owners can't keep them. I said, "well, she sounds like a reputable breeder." She is breeding for the love of the breed, not just to make a few bucks. So I told her that both are dogs are rescues, and how many rescues have to turn away dogs due to not enough foster homes and over crowding. She said, "what happens when the rescue can't take them?" I said, 'they end up at the pound, and if no one wants them, they get put down." Anywho, now that I have preached, I hope she will think twice about breeding her dog. I wasn't mean or ugly, I spoke in a calming dignified manner. I do have to work with this person for the rest of they school year after all. :) <BR>
Love and drool to all in need!<BR>
Jennifer C. w/ Eddie & Lucy the floozy<BR>
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