<div>We spent the weekend moving my mother-in-law into an assisted living facility and then this has been a crazy week at work. I've just caught up on Drool since the 5th and my heart is broken. Far too many of our beloved babies have gone to the bridge. Heart healing drool to the families of Olivia (it's not fair when a buppy goes to the bridge), Baylie, Sister Casey, Paddie, Jimmy, Lovey Lu, Barkley, and Teddy. Know that your beloved babies are waiting for you free from pain, and we're thinking of you in your loss.</div>
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<div>Get well drool to Morse -- no more seizures!, to Grandpa Mitchell (no more decomposed birdies!), Joey (no cancer), Doheny and Baja.</div>
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<div>But there was a bit of happiness to offset such sadness. Welcome back drool to Susan Randolph, and welcome home drool to Amy Rapp. May you both heal quickly. And thank you Sylvie for sharing your buppy pictures -- that was the best smile I've had all week. Please keep us posted as they grow. Laura (Geoffrey, Molly, Henry, Rosebud, Lisa (ATB), Dub-Dub (ATB))</div>