<div dir="ltr">Humphrey's real job is movie star. You can see his little red-and-white butt in a couple of shots in this Hush Puppies commercial: <br><br><a href="http://hushpuppies.com/en-US/General/Casual.aspx">http://hushpuppies.com/en-US/General/Casual.aspx</a><br>
<br>But Humphrey's favorite job is Central Park Stick Relocation Installation Artist. He picks up a stick, carries it a few feet, then drops it in a new location. Repeat, repeat, repeat. We walk across the park twice a day so that's a lot of sticks moved. He says he's working on his opus, a lifetime installation project called "Living Nature." <br>
<br>Professor Bix, our senior St. Bernard/Akita mix, has the job of Vet Head-Scratch Inducer. He's had surgery on both knees, has gastritis and 'advanced' pancreatitis, which is kind of a silly name for it, since he doesn't HAVE a pancreas - he got sick while the boyfriend's parents (Bix's 'real' owners) were away on vacation, the pet sitter couldn't figure out why Bix would eat and eat and still be hungry. Poor guy lost 30 lbs and went through 4 vets before they realized his pancreas had dissolved completely. That's under control now, he eats a special diet with pig enzymes so he can digest his food, and he's generally fit and happy. But anyway, he's now giving the vet head-scratches becaus he's got weird scaly patches all over now, like hot spots, or calluses or scabs, but incredibly itchy. So he's doing his job.<br>
<br><br><br>We send lots of drool to all in need, especially Norm's dad, Doheny, good-luck drool for Susan and Laffy Taffy, and no-more-pancreatitis drool for Llewis. Llewis, you read about Professor Bix's pancreatitis above, you stop messing around and get better, man.<br>
<br>- Rebecca, Humphrey, & Bix<br></div>